Expert Profiles

Learn more about NBA Draft Network’s resident experts, providing you with upcoming player commentary and breaking basketball news.

Chris Hauck

Chris Hauck

Chris Hauck is a lifelong Sacramento Kings fan, whose constant disappointment and years of following a multitude of lottery selections led him to dive deeper and deeper into the the draft ...
James Ham

James Ham

James began covering the Sacramento Kings as a full-time beat writer during the 2010 season for ESPN’s TrueHoop Network. Over the last 13 seasons, he’s provided daily coverage of the Kings as a ...
James “I.V.” Williams

James “I.V.” Williams

James "I.V." Williams is the Founder and CEO of Between the Lines Sports, LLC. Which is an independent scouting and consulting firm. Over the years, I.V. has built a robust network of contacts ...
James Oxford

James Oxford

Meet James Oxford: James started prospect scouting in 2016 when he released his first draft guide. He continued posting yearly draft guides, and in 2018 teamed with 3 other basketball minds to ...

Duke “Doc” Obiagwu

Meet Duke Obiagwu - the ultimate draft enthusiast based out of Houston. With an insatiable love for the Rockets, Duke (or The Doc) - was inspired by his  team's rebuild to dive headfirst into ...
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